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Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) are an integral part of Beacon’s school program, and provide students the accommodations and evidence-based interventions they need to safely and successfully navigate school, home, and the community. Understanding the complex features of autism and the unique way challenges and impairments present in individuals on the spectrum ensures individualized PBIS protocols are carefully designed to meet each student’s specific needs. By implementing PBIS strategies, our highly skilled staff is able to address, reduce, and replace maladaptive behaviors with appropriate alternatives that empower students, paving the way for more effective communication and meaningful learning opportunities.

PBIS at Beacon

  • School-wide emphasis on success across all settings and services for all students using evidence-based interventions, strategies, and supports.

  • Comprehensive Functional Behavior Assessments to isolate functions of behavior and create a corresponding Behavior Intervention Plan.  

  • Proactive measures to minimize individual antecedents and triggers with a focus on prevention.

  • Individualized strategies designed to support students, foster independence, and maximize learning.

  • Detailed data collection for invaluable insight into students’ behavioral topography, tracking progress across targeted areas, and potential program enhancements for best outcomes.

  • Collaborative approach among staff to ensure continuity across all services, supports, and interventions.

  • Ongoing, thorough reviews of behavior intervention plans to optimize efficacy.

  • Lifelong success at the center of all strategies, providing a strong foundation from which students continue to flourish and grow for years to come.


Examples of PBIS

  • Environmental Changes and Accommodations

  • Sensory breaks

  • Positive Reinforcement Strategies

  • Visual Aides

  • Prompts


PBIS in Research

Research continues to indicate enhanced and improved quality of life through the use of positive behavior interventions for individuals with disabilities presenting with self-injurious and aggressive behaviors (McClean & Grey, 2012). A wealth of evidence on the efficacy of PBIS strategies in the school, home, and community exists, and interest continues to grow in further examining the relationship between PBIS and positive outcomes for students presenting with challenging behaviors. For more information about and to access studies on PBIS, please visit



McClean, B., & Grey, I. (2012). An evaluation of an intervention sequence outline in positive behaviour support for people with autism and severe escape-motivated challenging behaviour. Journal Of Intellectual And Developmental Disability, 37(3), 209-220. doi:10.3109/13668250.2012.704982

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